Integrative Medicine Services

Are you looking for a holistic primary care doctor who listens and spends time to understand your needs?
Holistic primary care is an integrative approach that treats the whole person: mind/body and spirit by blending conventional medicine with natural or complementary therapies.

A thorough initial primary care visit will assess not just your current health status- but your diet, sleep, emotional wellbeing, stress management, exercise and other lifestyle habits that may contribute to your health conditions.

A primary care provider coordinates all of the health care a patient receives. This total patient care considers the physical and emotional needs of the person and how health issues may be affecting those needs. Whether you are coming in for an annual check-up or managing a chronic disease, we focus on the whole person, not just your disease or symptoms. Symptoms may have brought you to the doctor, but advanced lab testing can help identify and address the root cause. We consider test results, lifestyle factors, nutrition, and stress management and develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help you attain an optimum level of wellness.

The holistic primary care model offers not only traditional primary care but also incorporates the best of natural and alternative therapies to help you achieve optimum wellness, not just freedom from disease. These therapies may include acupuncture, hormone therapy, IV therapies, or detoxification therapies.

Our holistic primary care providers will be your partner and guide in helping you achieve your health goals.

Holistic Primary Care Offers:

1. Extended visits- Initial appointment is 45-60 minutes
2. Providers who listen
3. Patient-centered medicine- holistic approach to healing the whole person, not just the symptoms
4. Preventive and wellness care, acute and chronic disease management
5. A deeper look into common complaints/chronic issues to treat the root cause(s)
6. Annual comprehensive holistic history and physical
7. Diet and lifestyle evaluation
8. Comprehensive and advanced lab testing in the on-site lab, including functional testing
9. Predictive labs to evaluate potential health risks and/or future health conditions
10. IV therapies for sickness or prevention of illness, Vitamin C, Myers Cocktail, Vitamin and Mineral IV, Magnesium and B Vitamins, and more
11. Advanced detoxification and healing therapies: acupuncture, IV therapies, colon hydrotherapy, chiropractic therapies and get you feeling better fast
12. Same or next day appointments for urgent medical problems
13. A partner with you to create a wellness treatment plan for your health goals

Your primary care provider will be your partner and if needed, will help coordinate treatment regimens from other practitioners at NIHA or outside specialists.

Integrative Medicine:

Integrative medicine focuses on you as a whole person and not just your illness or disease. While it seeks to understand the underlying cause of your symptoms or condition, it does so by looking at your complete mind, body and spirit. Integrative medicine uses an evidence-based approach to improve your health and wellness.

Integrative medicine believes your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs affect your health. It believes those needs rely on each other and affect your entire well-being. There are many different aspects to address, so integrative medicine uses a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes.

With integrative medicine, the relationships between you and your healthcare providers are important. You are equal partners in your healing process. Integrative medicine aims for well-coordinated care among different providers and specialists. It brings together conventional healthcare approaches (like medication and psychotherapy) and complementary therapies (like acupuncture and yoga). In this way, integrative medicine “integrates” all aspects of your well-being to achieve optimal health and healing.

For the allergy section please move the epigenetics/nutritional counseling section up to services above the allergy section and create a separate tab for it. We will also need tabs for Holistic Primary Care/Preventive Medicine and Integrative Medicine. Since there are 3 new tabs that need to be created, it will look uniform. 

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