
Dr. Frandsen Announces Telemedicine Virtual Visits in Response to COVID-19

By Autumn Frandsen, N.D.

I hope you are weathering the storm we are all facing at this tumultuous time. I know the influx of conflicting information regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming and often downright scary. I am hoping to offer some comfort and share some knowledge I have acquired through countless webinars, town hall meetings, and solo research.

Principles of Good Health

There have been various reports on medical supply shortages, testing shortages, and the picture of the prime COVID-19 candidate. While I do not think anyone has enough information to say without a doubt who the prime targets are, I believe that the general principles of good health still apply. If your microbiome (the collection of naturally occurring microorganisms in your body) is healthy, your immune system is likely healthy, so take care of your body with the following tips to optimize immune system function.

Get a lot of rest.

Stay hydrated.

Eat a diet rich in bioflavonoids by eating naturally colorful foods.

Manage stress by practicing breathing techniques, living gratefully, and getting at least light exercise.

Finally, get outside, while physically distancing, as much as you can and try to make the most out of the extra time you have on your hands because it won’t last.

Protective Gear for Active Patients

To address the medical supply issue on a personal level, I am happy to order protective gear for active patients who need it. With regard to testing, although the FDA has not formally approved COVID-19 Antibody tests, there are several trusted companies that have developed in-home test options and have made them available. If you are worried that you may have been exposed to the virus at some point (which likely many of us have), I recommend taking advantage of these affordable testing options in the security of your own home. They range between $100-$250 at this early stage and can be drop-shipped directly to you. The test involves either a nasal swab you complete yourself or a blood draw that a mobile phlebotomist in protective gear can perform in your home. As prices decrease, I will keep you updated.

Online Telemedicine Appointments

I am also offering telemedical services either through video conference or telephone and am happy to ease your fears to the best of my ability as well as work on restoring and protecting your health.

If you or someone you know would benefit from my services, please call one of my offices or book online.

National Integrated Health Associates (NIHA) | Washington, D.C.

Phone: 202-237-7000, ext. 0

Velise Total Health | Frederick, MD

Phone: 301-378-9863

Book Online

Stay strong and look out for more information on how to make the most of our situation!

In health,

Autumn M. Frandsen, N.D.

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