
NOW WHAT? Doctors Can’t Figure Me Out

By Autumn Frandsen, N.D.

Fatigue and pain are two complaints that every physician hears at least once a day and a growing number of people in the USA are experiencing at least once a day. They are the two most prevalent symptoms that patients describe when they become desperate for help. Every day I hear a version of phrase “I have been to fifteen different doctors and no one can tell me why I’m exhausted or at least give me something to fix it”. So what is keeping these doctors from finding the answer?

Many times the answer cannot be found by simply looking at lab results. Both pain and fatigue can be manifestations of deep underlying issues and labeling it chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia still does not explain why a person is experiencing it or how to treat it now so that the patient does not undergo a lifelong struggle. Many doctors believe that both pain and fatigue are psychosomatic disorders and will refer to a psychiatrist. While that may be the case in a few, many others are struggling with chronic lyme disease, mold sensitivity, food intolerances, hormonal imbalance, lack of essential nutrients, and/or heavy metal toxicity just as the tip of the iceberg.

Diagnosing any condition can be costly and often erroneous. Each practitioner is trained differently and not every one of them has been educated on the endless avenues one can take when ordering lab work. This often leads to a multitude of doctor’s visits and unanswered questions. Often even when a diagnosis is made, the doctor is at a loss for how to treat the patient. That is where Autonomic Response Testing comes in handy.

Autonomic Response Testing, or ART, is a method of diagnosing and treating developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD and Louisa Williams, ND, DC that can help the practitioner hone in on what is causing the dysfunction in the body. Severe fatigue and pain are not “normal” and it is important to pinpoint what is occurring in the body to cause this discomfort. There are many levels of imbalance that can contribute to the symptoms a person may exhibit. The goal of ART is to determine which layers need to be addressed first, how to treat the problems in the manner that the person tolerates best, and to monitor the patient’s strength over time. The technique respects that if there is a block in a patient’s biofield then they will not heal completely, no matter what therapies are used.

The biofield is a quantum-level energy field that pervades the biochemical body and instructs it about how to function correctly. If blockages or other distortions exist in this field, the information is unable to properly instruct the biochemical body, and physical illness can result. ART can detect where the blockages lie and allows the practitioner to treat it with the most appropriate therapy or substance. On any given day a patient can be exposed to a multitude of viruses, bacteria, chemicals, foods, emotional influences, and even temperature changes. Any of those things can play a role in a person’s health that no lab will detect and any practitioner could only speculate about. With the help of bioresonance, those trained in ART can put the puzzle pieces together and explain why a patient is tired and how to wake them up. The sessions often last two hours for the initial visit and a half hour to an hour for subsequent visits. During these sessions, a patient will learn what their obstacles to cure are and will most likely experience some emotional healing or awareness, physical healing, and mental growth. It is perfect for those people that need to be heard and often feel misunderstood.

There are no religious implications involved with ART and the sessions will go in the direction the patient’s body needs them to go in order to determine what is best for their health at that moment in time. It is generally very relaxing and in this society of high stress, most patients suffering from adrenal fatigue benefit from just the testing session itself, let alone the adjunct therapies and interventions. Most people have the tools they need to heal inside them and for those people it is a matter of unlocking that, and for those that don’t, it is important to introduce only that which the body can handle.

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